The most effective generative AI-driven talent intelligence platform on the market.

Your workforce challenges are as unique as your business. The Responsible AI-powered, skills-centric solution from leverages the most robust skills taxonomy available, integrating external data points with internal skills information to reveal data-driven, workforce skills insights specific to your organization and business objectives.

How can fuel your Skills-Based Organization?

Increase in internal mobility
Increase in retention
Improvement in retaining high-performing employees
Improvement in achieving HR business objectives
Reduction in time-to-hire

Harnessing the potential of AI to empower people is what we do.

We believe in the power of responsible, generative AI to help employees find the path to limitless professional growth – while enabling companies of all sizes to respond quickly to a changing business landscape. Data-driven skills intelligence provides the blueprint for better hiring decisions, agile internal mobility planning and a stronger, more engaged workforce.

Skills-driven, unbiased intelligence

When connecting the right people to the right positions, skills are at the center of everything. Credentials and pedigree can only tell you so much, so our game-changing Talent Intelligence Platform uses competency-based assessments to help you get a clearer understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal attributes. These four facets form the capabilities genome, which drives our recommendations and business insights.

Data-driven, game-changing algorithms

Our skills taxonomy is comprised of billions of data points populating our one-of-a-kind labor market database. Semantic analysis machine learning means our platform goes beyond keywords to distinguish key nuances, improving employee-role skills match. lets you accurately forecast looming skills gaps, upskill teams quickly, and spot emerging sector trends and opportunities using our advanced skills-centric solution.

One central skills-focused nerve center

Unlock actionable workforce intelligence by breaking down limiting silos, unifying skills language, and cross-comparing your organization’s data business goals and industry predictions. Our Talent Intelligence Platform uses competency-based assessments to help you get a clearer understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications and personal attributes. Make better workforce decisions based on science, not hunches.

360º solution for the full talent lifecycle

Make data-driven decisions from hire to retire. Our AI-powered Talent Intelligence platform collects and synthesizes data from pre-hire planning and requirement mapping, through talent acquisition and employee assessment, to performance management, employee development, and (re)training. Integrate with your existing applicant tracking, talent, and learning management systems.

Global Skills Taxonomy has created a global skills taxonomy that is more precise, robust, and actionable than any other in the market. Based on over 300 million job descriptions from a myriad of publicly available sources, we aggregated and analyzed more than 1.5 billion data points from industry, census, public/private, social media, compensation, and learning course data sources to determine the best skills–not just qualifications–for each position, empowering our customers with the most up-to-date skills information available at all times to inform the best hiring decisions.

Responsible AI

The ultimate aim of Responsible AI is to reduce the risk of unintended bias. To understand how this works, and to adjust for accuracy over time, it’s critical to have transparency throughout the process. Our fully explainable, white box solution provides a full end-to-end view of an AI system’s functionality, enabling system users to see and understand its data output as well as the methodology behind the results.

Increase ROI with talent intelligence

Gaining a deeper understanding of the existing skill sets within your organization and what the future will require enables HR leaders to support successful internal talent career trajectories. The Talent Intelligence Platform has helped organizations achieve a 57% increase in internal mobility, a 30% increase in employee retention, and a 27% acceleration in upskilling – dramatic advantages in the battle for top talent.

Skills Intelligence Software FAQs

  • What is skills intelligence?

    Connecting the right people to the right positions enables your organization to adapt to the changing business landscape. Skills intelligence is a clear understanding of each employee’s knowledge, skills, qualifications, and personal attributes. These four attributes for a capabilities genome – which helps to drive business insights and candidate recommendations. Learn more.

  • What is talent intelligence?

    Talent intelligence is AI-driven technology that unifies, organizes and interprets internal and external data in a way that informs and empowers HR leaders to make better workforce planning business decisions.

    Similar to the groundbreaking capabilities demonstrated by ChatGPT, talent intelligence uses generative AI with similar language processing technology but expands on the model to provide a fully explainable, Responsible AI-driven, enterprise-level solution.

  • Why consider a skills intelligence platform?

    A skills intelligence platform can help you zero in on best-fit internal and external candidates more quickly. The right platform will let you see applicants at an “atomic” level, meaning you can break down their talents into individual skills. Using that detailed skills information, you have the ability to visualize them in not just one role, but reimagine them in any role they could potentially fill.

  • Does your platform offer skills architecture?

    Yes. Our platform has a Skills Architecture module eliminates the need to manually track, develop and manage the skills information of your employees. Our Skills Architecture provides transformation to a Skills Based Organization through four phases: unification, benchmarking, measurement, and action. Learn more.

  • Does your platform use Responsible AI?

    As technologists in the AI space, we see the very real applications of the AI solutions we create. We consider ourselves stewards of Responsible AI and are active in defining and developing standards and regulations for responsible AI. We partner with the Responsible AI Institute and the World Economic Forum and in 2023, we launched the Responsible HR Forum, the first of its kind, to create a community committed to ethical AI use in HR processes.

  • Does your platform use a keyword or semantic approach?

    AI skills extraction methods are not all the same and the difference matters. Our platform uses semantics-based machine learning models rather than the Keyword Approach. Unlike the Keyword Approach, in which text must appear in the exact same way within the CV in order to be extracted, Semantic Analysis automatically extracts skills both when they are explicitly written in the text and when they are implied by the tasks the individual describes in their CV.

  • How robust is your skills taxonomy?

    The labor market database is powered by a robust skills taxonomy comprised of billions of data points. We employ semantic analysis machine learning to move past keyword matching and improve employee-role skills matching.

  • Is yours a rip-and-replace solution, or does it fully integrate with our existing tech stack?

    The platform offers frictionless integration with your existing tech stack. It can be easily integrated with your current human capital management (HCM), applicant tracking system (ATS), talent acquisition (TA), talent management (TM) learning & development (L&D) platforms, to name a few.

  • How customizable is the platform?

    We offer several different modules in our platform: Skills Architecture, Talent Acquisition, and Talent Management. You can decide which modules you need, and we’ll create a platform customized to your organization. Learn more.

Meet the people behind the platform.

We recognize the power of responsible AI to help connect the right people to the right jobs. Get to know the technology experts who are helping the world prepare for the jobs of the future right now.


Inject more wisdom into your workforce planning.

Enhance your decision-making and build the workforce of the future with with responsible, AI-driven talent intelligence. Schedule your demo today.